Taking Action! Stepping Up! Influencing Others! Making Impact!
A practical Leadership and Advocacy experience
for Young Migrant & Refugees aged 18-25 years!
Aim: The overall aim of this programme is to strengthen the role of young migrants and refugees and in the community as active citizens who can bring about positive change.
This programme will help you build connections and integrate in the system through providing educational experiences to increase your confidence, participation, rights and responsibilities with the view to enable them to get into employment, training and entrepreneurship.
This is very useful if you have been in the UK very recent for less than 3 years and would like to find your grounding.
Opportunity will be offered as a One Week residential all activities taking place in the City of London. So, you will need to be available to stay for one week and commit to all activities. but there will be a virtual induction meeting before the programme starts.
If you are unable to attend all programmes activities, please do not apply.
Please Note the following criteria before applying.
Read Guidance Notes before completing form.REACHMIX main
Apply by completing this application form.
You must be 18-25 years
You must be a migrant, refugee, asylum seeker ideally have been in the UK for less than years.
PLEASE NOTE: This programmes requires you to commit to staying at a retreat centre between for up to 6 days (all paid for) in July 2024. Are you willing to commit to this? If you are not able to commit please do not apply.
Dates and Times
Applications close on Friday 31 May 2024 | 5pm.
Once the application closes we will sift through all applications and then contact the successful
candidates for short interview. If the interview is successful, they will be notified by
10 June 2024.
Once you have been selected you will be required to attend and commit to the following
training dates.
To speak to someone, send a message to 07305799625.